Dry Strengthe Agent 1503


Chemical Name : Dry Strengthen Agent 1503

Appearance Transparent to slightly cloudy viscous liquid
Solid content (%) 15±1 GB
Viscosity(cps) 4000-14000 Rotary viscometer 25℃
PH value 2-6 PH meter (1% aqueous solution)
Ionicity Zwitterion


KWT-1503 is an amphoteric polyacrylamide type enhancer with reticular structure. The product is fully ionized in a wide PH range, which not only effectively improves the hydrogen bonding force between the fibers, but also forms a more stable covalent bond between the ionic groups, significantly improves the tensile strength, ring compression strength, break resistance and interlayer bonding force of the paper, and also helps filter and improve the sizing efficiency. The products are mainly used in box board paper, yarn tube base paper, high strength core paper and other paper.

【 Note 】

  1. Please use FRP, PVC, PE and other plastic or stainless steel for product storage tank, diluting tank and piping;
  2. This product is acidic, please rinse with plenty of tap water when touching skin and eyes;
  3. Do not enter.

【 Packaging and storage 】

  1. Please store in a cool, dry, ventilated place, storage temperature 5℃ ~ 35℃ is appropriate, storage period of 6 months;

2.1000kg plastic drum or tank truck transport.